They are finally back!
On May 26 they all returned: Michael, George Michael, Tobias Fünke, Maeby, Lindsay, Gob, Buster, George Sr and Lucille.
Tobias ‘Mrs. Featherbottem’: O-kay, who’d like a banger in the mouth?
If you haven’t caught up with Arrested Development do it right now! The first three seasons are available for streaming on Netflix but you better hurry because everyone is going to be talking about season 4.
The producers of Arrested Development teamed up with Netflix to create the fourth season along with a full feature movie which has not yet been fully confirmed. The future of the Bluth family is a little blurry at the moment but we are very hopeful that we will get to see a lot more of them.
According to rumors the fourth season is the final one but Netflix spokesperson has said, “We’re hopeful there will be more seasons” and “…by no means is this the end of it. We’re definitely planning to do more with them.”
Tobias: I’m afraid I just blue myself.
The full season 4 will become available on Netflix on May 26 so you might want to call in sick on Monday. Make sure you have your subscription active because it will only be available on Netflix.
Check out the official season 4 trailer