This guide will help you set up your Playstation 4.

If you are using multiple Wi-Fi networks you may have to repeat this setup when you change to a different Wi-Fi network.

  1. When your PS4 has turned on navigate with your remote to the Settings section and select Network
  2. Select Set Up Internet Connection
  3. Select your method of Internet connection, we use Wi-Fi in this guide
  4. Select Custom
  5. If you use Wi-Fi then just pick your Network from this list
  6. In the IP Address Settings select Automatic
  7. In the DHCP Host Name settings select Do Not Specify
  8. In DNS settings select Manual
  9. You need to be logged in to view this part

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  10. In MTU Settings select Automatic
  11. In Proxy Server select Do Not Use
  12. All done :) Select Test Internet Connection to make sure you have an internet connection and remember to restart your PS4.